Pack-Level Roles
Committee Chair
Preferred Tenure
2+ years
Typical months of activity
Full year
Time Commitment
- 5 hours per month, though most months will require less than that
- Busier months are August thru October, as the school year gets underway and Pack activities begin to ramp up
- Scout Leader uniform: Yes
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Yes
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): Yes
- Training: Yes, see Training Coordinator for specifics
- At least 21 years old
- Must take Cub Scout leader training
- Good delegator and organizer
- Effective communicator
One of the three primary leaders of the pack (in addition to Cubmaster and Volunteer Coordinator). Committee Chair is the chief organizer, responsible for proactively monitoring the details of pack operations. Committee chair is the primary advocate for the program, while Cubmaster is the primary advocate for the boys and Volunteer Coordinator is the primary advocate for the parents.
- Attend Basic Cub Scout Leader training and monthly roundtables
- Conducts monthly committee meetings
- Delegates responsibilities to committee members
- Supervises annual Pack Program Planning Conference to develop a year-long Pack Program Plan
- Conducts Parent Program Orientation Session through the committee
- Responsible for all necessary “paperwork” including new membership enrollment, adult leadership enrollment, Boy’s Life subscriptions and rechartering
- Works closely with Cubmaster to support pack program
- Opportunity to make major positive impact on the kids in the community
- A major influencer of pack schedule and program
- Social interaction in your community
- Satisfaction of helping to pull it all together
Preferred Tenure
2+ years
Typical months of activity
Full year
Time Commitment
- 5 hours per month, though most months will require less than that
- Primary activity will be surrounding the Pack meetings
- Scout Leader uniform: Yes
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Yes
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): Yes
- Training: Yes, see Training Coordinator for specifics
- Attend roundtables
- At least 21 years old
- Effective communicator
- Comfortable public speaker
One of three primary leaders of the pack (the others are Committee Chair and Volunteer Coordinator). Cubmaster is the visible focal point for the pack, responsible for creating a positive, fun experience. Cubmaster is the primary advocate for the boys, while Committee Chair is the primary advocate for the program and the Volunteer Coordinator is the primary advocate for the parents.
- Serve as Master of Ceremonies for monthly pack meetings
- Planning the pack programs with the help of the other leaders
- With Committee Chair, using the Cub Scout Program Helps and the support of the committee to plan a year-long program for Pack meetings
- Guiding, supporting, motivating, and inspire the other adult leaders. Make sure they receive training and recognition for their positions
- Opportunity to make major positive impact on the kids in the community
- Active role in defining pack schedule and program
- Social interaction in your community
- You get to see the glimmer in their eyes and hear the giggles as you act like a total goof (though while still garnering their respect as Akela!)
Volunteer Coordinator
Preferred Tenure
2+ years
Typical months of activity
Full year
Time Commitment
- 1-2 hours per month
- Busier months are August thru October, as the school year gets underway and volunteer coordination is needed primarily when the parents begin to be engaged for the year.
- Scout Leader uniform: No
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Yes
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): Yes
- Training: Yes, see Training Coordinator for specifics
- Good communicator, influencer, salesperson
- Empathetic and proactive
- Must take Cub Scout leader training
One of three primary roles in the pack (the others are Cubmaster and Committee Chair). The Volunteer Coordinator is responsible for ensuring stable, active and enthusiastic volunteers for all pack positions. Just as the Cubmaster is the primary advocate for the boys and the Committee chair is the primary advocate for the program, the Volunteer Coordinator is the primary advocate for the parents.
- Primary jobs are DELEGATING and THANKING
- Help in recruiting new volunteers
- Complete Cub Scout Leader Basic Training
- See that dens are never without a leader and assistant
- Give immediate help and Fast Start training to new den leaders. Help them plan and conduct their first several meetings.
- Encourage den leaders to attend basic training and to qualify for Cub Scout leader recognition awards. See that leaders are appropriately recognized.
- Give continuing support and help to volunteers. Offer help, encouragement, direction, training, and new ideas, without taking over the volunteer’s role.
- Serve as the communications link between the Cubmaster and volunteers. Keep the Cubmaster informed on the successes and needs of dens.
- A highly social position, you will meet many interesting people, and be seen as a proactive resource for our kids
Awards Coordinator
Preferred Tenure
1+ years
Typical months of activity
September thru May
Time Commitment
- 2 hours per month
- Scout Leader uniform: No
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Yes
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): Yes
- Training: Yes, see Training Coordinator for specifics
- Easy access to the local scout shop(s)
Coordinate all achievement and award activity for the pack. Also, maintain the records of awards.
- Understand Cub Scout and Webelos Advancement plus train parents and leaders on advancement.
- Collect Den Advancement reports, order and assemble appropriate badges for pack meetings.
- Provide lists as needed for award ceremonies.
- Work closely with Cubmaster to arrange graduation ceremonies.
- Maintain all records of past and present scout advancements.
- Learn the boys names, and gain insight into their special interests and accomplishments.
Camping Coordinator
Preferred Tenure
1+ years
Typical months of activity
November thru May
Time Commitment
- 5 hours per month (Jan – Feb)
- 1-2 hours per month (other months)
- Scout Leader uniform: No
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Upon request
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): No
- Training: Yes, see Training Coordinator for specifics
- Understanding and acceptance of the criticality of this position, knowing that camping is one of the funnest and most exciting aspects of scouting
- Learn how to get use registered for camps through a simple but very time-sensitive process.
- Indentify and communicate the various camping opportunities available at the various rank levels, in line with the Pack culture as coordinated with Pack leadership
- Contact the camping office (for the district), get camping slots, keep track of the deposits, and most importantly, keep the kids going to camp.
- Get current camp’s information and maps
- Assist and/or make recommendations in determining how transportation should be handled
- Ensure that required paperwork is completed and returned to district/camps on a timely basis
- Work with Fundraiser Coordinator and Treasurer to determine camping allowance awards and how to best apply those awards (and scholarships, where needed) are to be applied to the camp fees
- Determine appropriate parent-to-scout ratio, based upon camp and Pack requirements and the rank level
- Keep the OUTING in scOUTING!
- Provide written information about camp to those attending, and/or call those signed up prior to camp. This is to ensure that everyone is aware of the date and what to bring.
- Handle questions from parents about the camp.
- Collect health forms prior to leaving for camp.
- Camping is one of (if not the) best experiences that a scout will have, and you will play the primary role in helping them to get there!
Assistant Committee Chair
Preferred Tenure
1+ years
Typical months of activity
Full year
Time Commitment
- 2 hours per month
- Scout Leader uniform: No
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Yes
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): No
- Training: Yes, see Training Coordinator for specifics
- Good delegator and organizer
- Effective communicator
- Ideally, should be willing to take over for outgoing Committee Chair. (this might be seen as Committee Chair In Training, though not necessarily)
Assistant Committee Chair is the Committee Chair’s backup, helping the Committee Chair as needed. Also shares a primary pack responsibility for Cub Scout Membership with Assistant Cubmaster.
- Assist the Committee Chair as needed.
- Work with the pack committee to develop and promote an ongoing plan for recruiting new boys.
- Work with the Cubmaster and pack committee on pack re-registration.
- Be recognized in the community as supporting our kids and providing a quality program.
Assistant Cubmaster
Preferred Tenure
1+ years
Typical months of activity
September thru May
Time Commitment
- 1-2 hours each month
- Primary activity will be surrounding the Pack meetings
- Scout Leader uniform: Yes
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Yes
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): Yes
- Training: Yes, see Training Coordinator for specifics
- Comfortable public speaker
Assistant Cubmaster is the Cubmaster’s visible companion and backup, filling in as focal point for the pack when Cubmaster is not available.
- Assist the Cubmaster as needed
- Help to keep order during the Pack meetings
- Every pack should have at least one assistant Cubmaster. In most packs, two or three will be helpful, allowing the Cubmaster to divide the responsibilities.
- Be recognized in the community as supporting our kids and providing a quality program.
- If Cubmaster is acting like a total goofball for the kids, you get to participate either as straight man, or as another goofball.
Fundraising Coordinator
Preferred Tenure
2+ years
Typical months of activity
September through November
Time Commitment
5 hours per month
- Scout Leader uniform: No
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Upon request
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): No
- Training: Youth Protection training
- Proficient at spreadsheets
- Comfortable communicating and motivating the scouts and their parents
- Plan and conduct evergreen and birdseed sales (the two fundraiser products we historically have done), plus any other fundraisers required to keep the pack solvent.
- Provide scouts with the materials to perform their sales activities
- Determine awards and market those awards to the scouts
- Provide sales training to the scouts, typically in the form of simple documentation and perhaps a skit at the Pack meeting that kicks off the fundraiser
- If applicable, meet with the others in the district to find out when, where, how much, and what we get back.
- Coordinate the product distribution to the scouts, securing a drop-off/distribution point (typically a Pack member’s garage)
- Keep track of the sales, funds, and prizes, as well as the history of those sales so that trends and long-term (multi-year) prizes can be tracked and awarded.
- Work with the Treasurer to ensure proper review, reconciliation and disposition of the collected funds
- Work with the Camping Coordinator to ensure appropriate awarding of earned camp subsidies.
- Work with vendors to determine appropriate pricing to the Pack
- Determine appropriate product pricing for our scouts’ customers
- Place orders with the vendors
Preferred Tenure
1+ years
Typical months of activity
Full year
Time Commitment
- 1-2 hours per month
- Scout Leader uniform: No
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Upon request
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): No
- Training: Youth Protection training
- Experience with or willingness to learn website practices
- Computer and internet access required
- Build and maintain a Pack archive that acts as a repository for pictures, program notes and other pack history that can act as a memory keepsake, and as a marketing tool for use by the Pack Recruiting Coordinator
- Work with the Pack Webmaster to manage and persist that history on the website, where appropriate
- A great way to play a behind-the-scenes role, understanding the nuances and path of pack growth
Marketing / Design / Communications Coordinator
Preferred Tenure
1+ years
Typical months of activity
Full year
Time Commitment
- 1-2 hours per month
- Scout Leader uniform: No
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Upon request
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): No
- Training: Youth Protection training
- Experience with or willingness to learn website practices
- Computer and internet access required
- Access to image design software (or be willing to prepare a proposal for the Pack to purchase such software).
- Good written communication skills
- Ability to mentor others in improving their written communication skills
- Work with the Webmaster and the Historian to determine image design needs for the website and for documentation/historical needs
- Work with the Pack Webmaster to manage, present and persist any image source and presentation files on the website
- Work with the rest of the leadership team, especially the Cubmaster and Committee Chair, in better preparing and posturing communications to the Pack membership, to ensure consistency and clarity of message.
- Work with the Recruiting team to determine needs that they may have in efforts to promote the Pack to prospective members.
- A great way to play a behind-the-scenes role in the marketing, growth and strengthening of the Pack
Preferred Tenure
1+ years
Typical months of activity
Full year
Time Commitment
- 1-2 hours per month
- Scout Leader uniform: No
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Upon request
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): No
- Training: None
- Need to have safe, secure, dry and easily-accessible space at home (or designated storage space managed by Quartermaster), large enough to store the Pack equipment.
- Need to have access to appropriate tools and the skill for minor fixes to Pack equipment, as needed
- Need to have access to appropriate transportation/vehicle to transport equipment to/from event needing that equipment
Typical list of Pack equipment includes (but not limited to):
- Pinewood Derby tracks
- Rocket Launch equipment
- Pack ceremonial flags and stands
- Blue & Gold Banquet decorations
- PackNic
- Sound system equipment
- Other Pack games and materials
- Work with the Cubmaster and the Committee Chair and the various event coordinators to understand which equipment/materials is needed for a given meeting or event.
- Understand and adhere to the timing and arrange for reliable transportation needs for equipment/materials needed for a given meeting or eventWork with the Pack Webmaster to manage, present and persist any image source and presentation files on the website
- Low-key, behind-the-scenes role with minimal time requirements and no training.
Pack Meeting Coordinator
Preferred Tenure
1+ years
Typical months of activity
September thru May
Time Commitment
- 1-2 hours each Pack meeting
- Scout Leader uniform: No
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Upon request
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): No
- Training: Youth Protection training
- Pick a theme with the committee and help make it happen. Dens will then perform skits and songs following the theme. Crafts or demonstrations could be included.
- Many pre-packaged theme pack meeting plans are available from the Cub Scout “Program Guides”.
- November ideas – Gobble gobble. Maybe a turkey trot? Or be more generic – circus night, western roundup, environmental conservation night, science demonstrations.
- December ideas – Christmas carols at a nursing home? Or a popcorn and snowman building contest? Craft night to make presents?
- April ideas – spring into scouting. Find out what spring is like through the eyes of a scout.
Pack Meeting Song Leader
Preferred Tenure
1+ years
Typical months of activity
September thru May
Time Commitment
1-2 hours each Pack meeting
- Scout Leader uniform: Not required, but would be nice
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: No
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): No
- Training: Youth Protection training
- Accompany cubmaster, who is genetically pre-disposed to sing off key, like it or not.
- Have fun singing with the kids!
- We have several song books that are tried and true.
Recruiting Coordinator
Preferred Tenure
1+ years
Typical months of activity
Typically May thru September
Time Commitment
- 3 hours per month
- Scout Leader uniform: Not required, but would be nice
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Upon request
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): No
- Training: Youth Protection training
- Good communication / “marketing” skills
- Creative in identifying new ways to attract members
Has a primary pack responsibility for Cub Scout Recruiting and Membership.
- Work with the pack committee to develop and promote an ongoing plan for recruiting new boys.
- Work with the Cubmaster and pack committee on pack re-registration.
- Be a part of growing a wonderful organization, and drawing kids and their families into a strong and character-building environment.
Preferred Tenure
1+ years
Typical months of activity
August thru May
Time Commitment
- 2 hours per Pack leaders meeting
- Scout Leader uniform: No
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Yes
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): Yes
- Training: Youth Protection training
- Detail-oriented
- Able to take thorough notes during leadership meetings and convert those to full minutes for distribution to pack leadership team
- Work with Committee Chair to set and distribute monthly leader mtg agenda
- Record and distribute minutes of committee meetings.
- Know a lot of what goes on behind the scenes of the Pack!
Tiger Cub Coach
Preferred Tenure
1+ years
Typical months of activity
August thru May, though primarily only August thru December
Time Commitment
- 2-4 hours per month in September thru November
- Fairly minimal after that
- Scout Leader uniform: Yes
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Upon request
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): Yes
- Training: Yes, see Training Coordinator for specifics
- Prefer at least one year experience as a parent in the pack
- Proactive in working with Parents
- Willingness to call Tiger Parents
Acts as starter fluid for the annual tiger program. Smoothes the entry into scouting for the Tigers and their parents by describing how things are done. Acts as a mentor to the Tiger Cub Den Leaders. The Tiger cub coordinator ensures a complete tiger cub program and scheduling of those activities. Act as communication link between the committee and the tigers. Ensure that parents are communicating about tiger events through the year.
- Present Tiger cub program and organize groups at School Night (September).
- Attend first group meetings and remain in contact with group by making a call to the host/hostess for that month.
- Invite Tiger cub families to at least two fun pack meetings.
- See that the Tiger Cubs reregister as Cub Scouts when the pack recharter.
- With Cubmaster, organize Tiger Cub Graduation for the May pack meeting.
- A much appreciated job that provides consistent but not necessarily continual effort.
- The fulfillment of helping those that are eager for guidance.
- Plays a vital role in the first Cub Scout Experience to impressionable boys.
Preferred Tenure
2+ years
Typical months of activity
Full year
Time Commitment
- 2-4 hours per month; heaviest months are around the fundraising consolidation and the Spring rechartering
- Scout Leader uniform: No
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Yes
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): Yes
- Training: Yes, see Training Coordinator for specifics
- Experience with basic budgets and accounting
- Easy access to secured computer
Develop with committee support, a sound financial program using Pack Budget Plan.
- Approve all budget expenditures and maintain accurate records
- Open or maintain a bank account in the pack’s name and arrange for all transactions
- Collect dues
- Report on the pack’s financial condition at committee meetings and (periodically) at pack meetings
- Work with FundRaising Coordinator in conducting council-approved, pack money-earning projects
- Maintain up-to-date Pack Property Inventory
- Present monthly financial reconciliation documentation to Committee Chair for his/her review and approval
- Provide tangible stewardship of Pack’s solvency and viability
Preferred Tenure
1+ years
Typical months of activity
Full year
Time Commitment
- 2 hours per month
- Scout Leader uniform: No
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Upon request
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): No
- Training: Youth Protection training
- Experience with or willingness to learn website practices
- Computer and internet access required
- Build and maintain a pack website that also acts as a repository for pictures, program notes and other pack documentation.
- Work with the Pack Historian to manage and persist that history
- Work with the Cubmaster, Committee Chair, and Volunteer Coordinator to ensure that the website reflects the Pack culture
- Work with the other Pack leadership to ensure that the website meets their practical needs, and the pack’s general communication needs.
- Be the primary person dealing with the Pack’s Yahoo group signup and distribution
- A great way to learn about websites for a group that would greatly appreciate your unique abilities.
Single-Event Roles
Blue & Gold Banquet Coordinator
Preferred Tenure
1+ years
Typical months of activity
March thru February
Time Commitment
- 2 hours total in March thru December (determining event date and time / reserving event entertainment and space)
- 5 hours per month in January and February (the heaviest planning/prep months)
- Scout Leader uniform: No
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Upon request
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): No
- Training: Youth Protection training
- End of January thru the February den meeting time frame.
- This is typically an event sponsored by the 1st year Webelos, so these should be 1st year Webelos parents (is this still true for us?).
- Pull together appropriate subcommittees to fully enhance the event.
- Plan the menu and beverages, and order a cake to celebrate the birth of scouting.
- Work with the Treasurer and primary pack leadership to determine budget for the event
- Ensure that we have a viable and comfortable location for the event.
- Determine and design decorations, including the possibility of having the dens know what they should make (theme) for table centerpieces.
- This is the primary celebration of scouting each year, and a wonderful opportunity to help the scouts take pride in (and enjoy) this “institution” with a meal, entertainment, recognition, and friends and family.
Earth Day Park Cleanup Coordinator
Preferred Tenure
1+ years
Typical months of activity
February thru April
Time Commitment
- 1 hour per month in February thru March
- 3-4 hours in April
- Scout Leader uniform: No
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Upon request
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): No
- Training: Youth Protection training
- Pick a day. Buy a large number of plastic bags. Let the scouts know when and to bring gloves.
- Ensure that the trash bags are placed into a garbage container.
- Find out from the city office when this will occur. Let the newsletter person know.
- Announce at the pack meeting previous to the event.
Fall Outing Coordinator
Preferred Tenure
1+ years
Typical months of activity
September thru November
Time Commitment
- 1-2 hours per month in September thru October
- 3 hours in November
- Scout Leader uniform: No
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Upon request
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): No
- Training: Youth Protection training
- End of October or November. Find a place that does this, reserve an evening for the number needed (hint: get people to sign up during the August and September pack meetings), create a map for the September pack meeting for location, time and date.
- Bring or arrange for hot chocolate or see if they provide.
- Roasting marshmallows is fun too!
Friends-of-Scouting Coordinator
Preferred Tenure
1+ years
Typical months of activity
December thru March
Time Commitment
- 1 hour per month (possibly 2-3 hours in February)
- Scout Leader uniform: No
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Upon request
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): No
- Training: Youth Protection training
- Comfortable communicating FOS needs to the Pack, motivating where possible
- In the spring, we are asked to approach all of the scouting families for additional support of the local district.
- Work with the district to understand Pack goals
- Determine how the meeting of the Pack goals will impact Pack awards from the district
- Short talk in front of the Pack, with distribution and collection of FOS materials afterwards.
- Track the results and return to the pack as needed throughout the year.
Fundraising Host
Preferred Tenure
1+ years
Typical months of activity
Time Commitment
5-6 hours
- Scout Leader uniform: No
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: No
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): No
- Training: Youth Protection training
- Need a local and easily-accessible 3-stall garage that can be cleared out for purposes of temporarily housing our annual fundraiser product
- Be willing to clean out that garage (and/or solicit Pack help to do so) in time for staging the fundraiser product
- Fundraiser Distribution Day minus 1: Clear out 3 stalls of your garage to make room for fundraiser product
- Fundraiser Distribution Day: Be available (or make your garage fully accessible) to help receive / unload and stage fundraiser product, which will then be picked up that evening by Pack members
- Fundraiser Distribution Day plus 1-7: For product not picked up on Fundraiser Distribution Day, continue to house remaining product until picked up by the appropriate families.
- Pack members will help to clean out the “mess”/residue at the end of the Fundraiser Distribution Day event is complete.
- A short-term and easy way to connect with the Pack, using the benefits of your home
- In the evergreen fundraiser, your garage smells heavenly for many days afterwards!
PackNic Coordinator
Preferred Tenure
1+ years
Typical months of activity
April thru May (though with a “moment” in January to reserve the space)
Time Commitment
- 2 hours in April
- 4-5 hours in May
- Scout Leader uniform: No
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Upon request
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): No
- Training: Youth Protection training
- in January, reserve the shelter at Riley Lake Park.
- Buy hot dogs (brats, hamburgers), buns, condiments, charcoal and starter.
- Arrange for parents to bring other food. Example: Bears bring salad, Webelos1 bring desserts, Webelos2 bring chips.
- Plan a couple of easy, fun events. Assign events to each den to prepare/do.
Pinewood Derby Coordinator
Preferred Tenure
1+ years
Typical months of activity
December thru January (though with a “moment” earlier in the year [at least by August-September] to reserve the space)
Time Commitment
- 2 hours in December
- 5-10 hours in January
- Scout Leader uniform: No
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Upon request
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): No
- Training: Youth Protection training
- Determine shape and viability of track
- Design the races
- Work with Pack leadership to determine whether or not to do a competitive set of races, noncompetitive, or both
- Obtain scales and pit crew materials
- Solicit volunteers to help on the day of the event for set-up, management, and take-down
Rocket Launch Coordinator
Preferred Tenure
1+ years
Typical months of activity
May through September, depending upon scheduled date of Rocket Launch
Time Commitment
- 1-2 hours to identify and reserve the launch site/field and date/time
- 1-2 hours to identify and reserve experienced rocket launch team
- 4 hours to set up and execute the launch event site itself on the day of the event
- Scout Leader uniform: No
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Upon request
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): No
- Training: Youth Protection training
- Purchase rockets, distribute same at least 2 weeks before event, purchase rockets motors (handed out at event).
- Ensure range safety during the event.
- Bring plastic bags for trash pick up after event.
- Possibly secure/reserve outside expert group to demonstrate launches, to help provide launch pads, etc.
Den-Level Roles
Den Leader
Preferred Tenure
2+ years, though ideally for the life of the den
Typical months of activity
School year
Time Commitment
- 3-8 hours per month, depending upon den and pack activities
- Scout Leader uniform: Yes
- Attend Pack Leaders meetings: Yes
- Register with council (Committee Chair will manage this): Yes
- Training: Yes, see Training Coordinator for specifics
- District roundtable attendance optional
- At least 21 years old
- Interested in working with boys in small groups
The Den Leader is the primary adult contact with the boys, and as such is the most important volunteer role in the pack. Typically, a den has 4-8 boys, all in the same school grade. The Den leader is typically the parent of one of the boys in the den. The den leader provides an ongoing den program that typically includes 2 – 3 den meetings per month during the school year. Use den meetings to provide advancement activities, field trips, crafts, games and other fun boy stuff.
- Guide, support, motivate, and inspire the boys in your den
- Strong advocate and preferably a participant in outdoor activities like camping
- Facilitate your den’s participation in pack meetings and pack activities, such as helping to prepare your den for Pinewood Derby, performing skits, or conducting flag ceremonies.
- Guide the boys in your den through the advancement process. Keep advancement records that are also shared with the Pack Awards Chair so advancements can be purchased and awarded in a timely fashion.
- Develop a good working relationship with den parents and families. Use their talents to help enrich the den experience.
- Help ensure that your boys participate in pack fund raising activities.
- Opportunity to make direct positive impact on boys on a personal level.
- Get to know your son’s friends.
- Get to know your son’s friends’ parents. You may form lasting adult friendships.
- You get to learn all sorts of funny and gross songs!